We are here today because of kuleana. Our kuleana is a privilege and a responsibility. For all the ones that came before us, we have a duty to maintain the same practices as they did. We have accepted the challenge to create an image that will represent you, your employees, and the long history of the company. We accept this opportunity because we believe we share important values: Reciprocity. Gratitude. Appreciation. And to nurture the next generation so they too can carry on the same practices.
Our intent today is to offer a vision of the future. Our presentation is for you but paramount it is for the generations that will follow in our footsteps. Our intentions encompass generations for the next 125 years.
Ka Maka O Kauila, “The Eye of the Lightning,” is taken from a chant describing the rank of the Chief Kunuiakea.
The lines of the chant read:
Kinonohi nonohi ka maka o ka uila Kauila paikalani o ka lani kikili He kikili I luna ke kapu o ke lii
O ke kuene kuene kuene moku
Bright and gleaming are the eyes of the lightning The lightning in the sky flashing about
The kapu of the chief flashes about
To mind, mind, mind, the island Lightning is a metaphor for the rank/heat factor.